I was called to design covers for the Finding David Series by Brad Watson. The first book, Finding David is an engaging story for young adults that prompts its readers to consider issues of relationships, resilience, mental illness and faith. It is a distinctly Australian story of growing up in a coastal town, transferring to a new school, and confronting choices and risk-taking that will be familiar to many teenagers. The sequel, David's Revenge, finds David and his friends on a school camping trip running for their lives in a ferocious fire storm in the Australian bush. High on a deadly cliff, David must decide whether to save himself or put his life at risk to save another.
Both books are availalbe from www.findingdavid.com.au

Playful Worship is an interactive Christian worship resource for 0 to 7 year olds that gives families the tools to worship and play together through music. It includes songs, actions and activities, Bible verses and related stories.
I was asked to design a cover appealing to parents and bible teachers to reflect the fun of using music in teaching christian values. The book also comes with two music resource discs.

Missionary stories
These two books are by returned missionaries and share their stories of the work they encountered while serving in the remote South Pacific Islands. I was asked to come up with covers using images supplied from the authors that reflected their adventures.
When God calls Expect Adventure, is about Lester and Freda Hawke's desire to be missionaries and the adventures they had in Papua and New Guinea, known to the world for crocodiles, isolation, tribal fighting and amazing cultures.
Winchee, follows the adventures of newly-married Colin and Melva Winch and their work in the Solomon Islands. Colin obtained his commercial pilot’s license and, working with fellow pioneer pilot Len Barnard, flew the first Seventh-day Adventist mission planes, reaching the remote areas of Papua New Guinea and across into the islands of the Pacific.

Uncorked! tells the sometimes hidden story of alcohol. It's everywhere: advertising, sports, social events—almost anywhere people get together—but at what cost? Behind the glossy images and beyond happy hour, Uncorked! reveals the true cost of alcohol to our families, community and health - and makes some thought-provoking suggestions as to how we can live with alcohol and, perhaps, how we should live without it.

Using images supplied by the author, I was asked to create a cover for No Heil Hitler. This is the real life story of 10-year-old polish boy Paul Cieslar and his family as they are forced to abandon any outward allegiance to their Polish heritage and Seventh-day Adventist faith as Hitler's army invades their lives.

Ancient Words, Present Hope, focuses on how to understand the prophecies of Revelation through the writings of the Old Testament. For the cover, I was asked to create a look appealing to bible students and those with an interest in prophecy.