I have volunteered my skills to this annual program in Victoria for over 17 years. My involvement has expanded to include designing the stages, all advertising, and creating gift pack products/merchandise for use in all 12 Road to Bethlehem programs throughout Australia and New Zealand, negotiating sponsored advertising and creating custom merchandise.  
The Road to Bethlehem fridge calendar
16-page activity books designed for primary aged children. I created all illustrations and puzzles for the book.
Set of stickers designed for the Christchurch NZ Road to Bethlehem program.
Enlargement of one of the stickers.
Each year I create an extra product of interest. In 2016 I designed a sixteen-card Memory Game using the characters I created for the Road to Bethlehem Activity book and calendar.
Selection of products produced for Road to Bethlehem
Rulers and Pencil tins designed with the Road to Bethlehem characters.

Check out these projects too

Beyond the Search Packaging
Digging up the Future
Editorial Illustrations
Book Cover Designs
Archaeological Diggings relaunch
Mission Shift-Cover Design
Snow illustrations
Children's Prayers
Selection of editorial illustrations
Following Jesus Book Cover
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